Step 1
Open Photoshop and create a new document. The size I am using is 2560x1600 pixels. Then you take the gradient tool (g) and you make a gradient using "Foreground to Background", so from black to a dark blue (#050655)
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Step 2
Now type the word: "REVOLUTION" and place it right in the middle. I've used the font named: "Dekar" and you can find in the in the Weekly Friday Fresh Free Fonts of Abduzeedo. Here's the [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Next rasterize the layer type.
After I wanted to create a little perspective view with my word "REVOLUTION"; so I took the perspective tool and I dragged each side of my word to make it kind of go in the back. It gives the impression that the word "REVOLUTION" has been pulled towards the back a little.
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Step 3
Ok, let's start to have some fun! I duplicate the "REVOLUTION" Layer and added a borderline by using a white stroke of 2 pixels. Then you select the whole layer and erase the content of the layer. What would be left, would be the white stroke of the word "REVOLUTION". This is my technique for making an easy stroke line. Then I placed it to give it some kind of a 3D look.
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Step 4
Then I've used the same technique I did for my [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to create a white base by using the "outer glow" of the blending options. After create a new layer and take the radial gradient tool (g) and use "Foreground to Transparent" from black to cyan (#00d2ff). Don't forget to blend the layer to "overlay".
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Step 5
Let's add some flares! I took the same flares that Abduzeedo used on his [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. The flares are from an image and you can download it [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. After resizing the image and deleting all the parts that you won't need from the image; I just placed them randomly and duplicate it and resize it.
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Step 6
After I added some lighting lines and I went crazy! It's the same process like the flares, you place them and duplicate them but don't forget to blend the layer to "overlay". Just play with the lines, have a concept and try to be creative!
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Step 7
Afterwards, I added some stock shapes from my library, I blended them in the background of the word "REVOLUTION" and I also added a few shapes where the foreground color were black. I wanted to create some depth for the background. I knew I would be adding another color to my design, so I didn't wanted to be too full of rich colors.
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Step 8
Now it's time to add the new elements and color. Like I said earlier, I decide to choose the orange color; what I did here it's I filled my shapes with the orange color (#fb863a) and played with the blending options. In this case, I've used "overlay" of course and "soft light".
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Step 9
Now create a new layer and take the radial gradient tool (g) and use "Foreground to Transparent" from dark orange (#5a472f) to orange (#fb863a). I really like to play with the blending options, this is really what gives that vibrant light effect. Take the same layer and put it to "overlay".
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Step 10
The final touch, I added the word "THE" and overlay it! For "la pièce de résistance", I took a stock grunge image and put it on top of my layers and blend it to "screen". And voilà there you have it. The Revolution
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