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 Metalic Text on Concrete Background

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Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 29
Posts : 105

Metalic Text on Concrete Background Empty
PostSubject: Metalic Text on Concrete Background   Metalic Text on Concrete Background I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 6:20 pm

Step 1

Create new document, 1280 x 1024 and name the default layer "concrete."

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Step 2

Go to Filter > Noise and apply the following settings.

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Step 3

Go to Filter > Stylize > Emboss and apply the following settings.

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Step 4

Add a Level Adjustment by clicking on the icon in the bottom of the layer palette.

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Step 5

Apply the following settings.

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Step 6

To make this more realistic press Cmd + Shift + E to merge all layers.

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Step 7

Press "W" to select Magic Wand. Set Tolerance to 5. Click on second icon to activate "add in selection option"

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Step 8

Now click anywhere on the document to get a random selection.

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Step 9

Once you have your selection, pick the dodge tool "Range: Highlights" and "Exposure: 100%" and randomly paint inside selection. You should now have something like the image below.

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Step 10

Repeat Step 9 a few more times with different selections and brighten up selected areas using the dodge tool.

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Step 11

Now press "T" to select the type tool. Type out whatever text you like. I chose the Planet Kosmos font.

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Step 12

Go to Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay and apply the settings below.

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Step 13

Add a Layer Style using the following settings.

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Step 14

Download this [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and paste into your document. Then, make a selection of your text.

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Step 15

Press the layer mask icon to add a mask onto the metallic layer and set its mode to overlay and opacity to 70%. That’s it! You are finished!

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Metalic Text on Concrete Background

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