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 Glossy 3D Text Effect

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Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 29
Posts : 105

Glossy 3D Text Effect Empty
PostSubject: Glossy 3D Text Effect   Glossy 3D Text Effect I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 6:19 pm

Step 1

Create a new document, make it 600px by 400px.

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Step 2

Fill the background with #011923. Now, add some noise, go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. 2% should be ok.

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Step 3

Create a new layer and select the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M). Add a 150 px feather and drag out a shape as shown below.

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Fill the selection with white and set the blending mode to Linear Dodge (Add) and bring the opacity down to 90%.

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Step 4

Select a nice-looking bold font. I used Helvetica Neue LT Std 85 Heavy, but you can use anything you like. Set its size to about 160 px and fill it with white.

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Duplicate the text, set the color to something darker. Send the darker text layer behind the original and adjust the width as shown below using the transform tool (T).

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Step 5

Apply the following layer styles to the white text layer.

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Step 6

Apply the following layer styles to the darker text layer.

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Step 7

Grab the Brush Tool and select a big 200 px wide soft brush. This is what we will use to create some shiny reflections.

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Paint the areas as shown and set the layer’s Blending Mode to Soft Light.

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Step 8

Duplicate the text layer and rasterize it (Layer > Rasterize > Type). Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) and create a wide shape as shown. Make sure to reset the feather value to 0px, we want this edge really sharp.

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Now take the Eraser Tool (E) and start erasing the top part of it to get a nice and soft gradient.

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Step 9

Use the Brush Tool again to create some soft spots and hit Cmd/Ctrl + T to bring up the Free Transform options. Scale down the width and rotate it 45 degrees by holding Shift while rotating. Duplicate it and rotate it again to get this x shaped sparkle.

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Step 10

Create some copies of this sparkle and make them a little bit smaller, place them in the brighter areas. That’s it, you are done! Hope you enjoyed working on this tutorial!

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Glossy 3D Text Effect

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